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Until otherwise announced by the Board of Directors, the advertisement policy for the Scottsdale Bar Association will be as follows.  Ads will automatically be listed on our website under NEWS for two consecutive months, unless a written request is received to continue the ad beyond that time.  Please advise us via email when you have accomplished the purpose of the ad, so that it can be removed from the website.  To place, continue or cancel a classified ad, please e-mail your request to


Members of the Scottsdale Bar Association may place advertisements on the Scottsdale Bar Association website at no charge.


Non-members may publish advertisements concerning their desire to obtain law related employment or to provide law related services, subject to the approval and discretion of the publisher. Charges for non-member advertisements are currently free.


The Scottsdale Bar Association does not act as an employment agency and does not forward phone calls, emails or faxes, or take information.



Summer Social 2024 Firm Sponsor


Summer Social 2024 Solo Firm Sponsor